We’ve come down to our last week in the Great Medieval Adventure and there are a few things to be aware of as we finish. I’ll keep it simple. Here is a list of the projects we are working on and what is needed for Friday’s great medieval banquet:
- Building Project: whether it’s a castle, cathedral or town, you need to have your building project finished by Thursday so it can be put on display in the Great Hall for Friday.
- Character Costume: you are invited to a banquet and must dress the part. Search around the closet for anything that can be turned into a medieval costume. Over the years these have ranged from simple to elaborate and if you look around youtube and the internet you can find many do it yourself costumes that are quite easy to put together.
- Food and Catapults: on Friday, nobles were given a table to host for the banquet. Plan out who is sitting at your table and what will be served. Peasant food will be provided for the masses but nobles want to eat better than that.
- Nobles need to build a catapult (slingshot) for Friday’s Battle of Stafford Field. I’ll demonstrate this on Monday so you can go get materials and water balloons. The more catapults the English have, the easier it will be to crush the Scots and French.
- Medieval Journals: this is your personal assignment that you have been working on since the start. By the end of the unit your character will die and submit your journal to be evaluated by a “higher power.” Thus ends the great adventure.
It has been a blast and I look forward to what creative creations you will come up with this week.